
Why should I hire a licensed and insured contractor?

By |2017-01-28T16:02:48+00:00November 27th, 2012|Categories: |

In short, the answer would be to protect your property and give you peace of mind. In New York City, the law requires the General Contractor or Home Improvement Contractor doing business in the city to be licensed by the Department Of Consumers Affairs. If your project requires filing with NYC Department of Buildings, permits will [...]

We have gotten widely different quotes for painting our apartment. Why do contractors differ so much in their prices for painting the same space? What determines a good paint job?

By |2017-01-28T16:14:56+00:00November 27th, 2012|Categories: |

There are definitely different levels of painting and the painting skills of workers. The key to a quality paint job is preparation. Of course, the application of the paint is important, but even if it’s done by qualified professionals using high quality paint, there is no substitute for proper preparation. It really pays to have beautifully [...]

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